
Top 10 Worst Accounting Jokes (Ever)

1. Why did the accountant cross the road? To get to the other side of the balance sheet.

2. What do you call an accountant who is also a rapper? A CPA (Certified Public Accountant).

3. How do accountants make a bold statement? With a strong debit and credit.

4. What do accountants use to catch fish? A ledger-line.

5. Why do accountants make the best lovers? Because they always know how to balance the books.

6. What do you call an accountant without a calculator? Lonely.

7. Why did the accountant break up with his girlfriend? She was always telling him to show more interest in her account.

8. Why did the auditor cross the road? Because he looked in the file and saw the chicken had three legs.

9. What do you call an accountant who can’t add up? A liability.

10. Why did the accountant refuse to take up boxing? He didn’t want to fight revenue.

Disclaimer: We did not write these awful jokes but hope at least one made you smile!