
From Zero to Financial Hero: Steering Clear of Startup Accounting Mistakes

Starting a business, especially if it’s your first, is something that is really exciting. Executing all your business plans is an exciting journey. However, more than planning the design, concept, and products, another thing that should be prioritized is the accounting aspect. It is very important to stay on top of your finances, especially during the early stages of your start-up. It is crucial to be aware of common accounting mistakes that can derail your startup’s success. Here are useful tips and tricks to help you steer clear of these pitfalls and grow your business effectively:

  1. Expect that it would cost a lot to start a business and to keep it running: It is very important for startups to make a detailed list of expected expenses for launching a business. In addition, there should be a separate fund for anticipated expenses that will keep the start-up running and fully operational. 
  2. It is best to avoid unnecessary expenses and purchases: It would be ideal to have a list of things that are really necessary for the start-up as well as a list of ongoing operational expenses. Avoid making unnecessary purchases or expenditures for the business. As you plan to grow your startup and make profits, you should be tight on your budget. 
  3. Having too much debt at the start: While debts can be inevitable for businesses, most especially for start-ups, it should not be an unreasonable amount. It is a given that start-ups and small businesses need financing to make their dream business come true. However, the problem is when you start to acquire too much debt or an amount that is more than your finances can handle. 
  4. Price your products and services accordingly: It is really to compute initial prices for your products or services as pricing plays a very important role in the profitability of the business. A price that is too low could mean minimal earnings. On the other hand, a price that is too high could lead to driving customers or clients away. It is best that you perform research and compute your pricing very carefully. You should also consider the standard pricing in your area and industry. 
  5. Always budget and save: Financial security and business success can be achieved through budgeting and saving. The rule of thumb is to spend less than what you earn– always allocate a budget for your savings first. While easier said than done, budgeting and saving are vital parts of the financial equation.
  6. Have a proper bookkeeping and accounting system: A proper bookkeeping and accounting system is a vital part of every business. An organized and detailed record is the key to keeping track of your income and expenses. While it is tempting to do these yourself to save money, hiring a professional to handle these things would eventually bring more income and savings in the long run as they would avoid mistakes and penalties. 
  7. Always keep your personal finances separate from that of the business: Always follow the business-entity/corporate-entity rule which states that your personal money and expenses should not be mixed with that of your business. This would make it easier to properly track the income and expenses of the business to know whether it is still profitable. This would also help in determining the areas or things that should be adjusted in terms of profitability. 
  8. Keep a record of everything: No matter how small or immaterial the expense may seem, always keep track of it. It is important to keep track of all expenses as these could eventually add up to a huge amount. These records could be handy when you need to identify unnecessary expenditures. 
  9. Take note of your market niche: One of the common mistakes of start-up owners is misunderstanding their target market. For a business to be successful, it is important to know what your customers need. Having this information would help you to reach your target market and know how to properly price your products and services.

Starting a business can definitely be overwhelming. There are a lot of things to consider, especially financially. The tips stated above can be your guide to increase the chances of success of your business. These can be your stepping stones to financial growth and success. However, these things are not set in stone and may be adjusted according to the needs of your business. 

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